Monday, August 25, 2008

The Purpose of my Blog

The purpose of my blog is to present what I consider to be practical ways to make the world a better place – a place in which the various systems: educational, political, economic, environmental, scientific, family, cultural, architectural, city planning, transportation, etc., are in harmony with Natural or Divine Law. Natural Law is here defined as those laws determined by our Creator, that when followed in universally consistent ways, facilitate the physical, material, spiritual and moral evolution of humanity – to help create a ‘New Renaissance’ in our world.

To see my basic philosophical/religious beliefs that underlie my presentations, click on the link on the right side of this blog, “
Statement of My Core Philosophical Beliefs”.


Unknown said...


I love that you are making a blog. Based on my experiences in your lectures, I think you are someone who thinks carefully before making assumptions--a quality that is absolutely essential to ensure rational thought processes.

That said, there is something I wish to ask before I proceed to read your next entry:

Why have you chosen to define "Natural Law" as "laws determined by our Creator"?

Tim Farage said...

I've always thought of Natural Law as those laws created by God, since God created nature. So I use the terms, "Natural Laws", "Divine Laws" and "God's Laws" interchangeably.

Unknown said...

Ah! That is very logical.

I'm having some strange thoughts. Try to bear with me.

In life, we should seek to understand Natural Law before we act. If we act without knowing the principles of Divine Law, we run the risk of violating it, which could lead to disastrous consequence. This leads me to another question. I hope you don't mind.

How can we know Divine Law? As it is often said, God moves in mysterious ways. What steps should we take to define Natural Law in human terms?

Tim Farage said...

Defining 'Divine Law' is not easy to do, and every person probably has a different definition of it.

The definition that I give in 'Statement of my Core Philosophical Beliefs' has taken a long time for me to synthesize.

But I think God's will for us could be summarized pretty simply:

1) Love God and love others.
2) Treat others as you would like to be treated.
3) Use your talents to help make the world a better place.
4) Act as if whatever you do, for good or for ill, comes back to you.

Unknown said...

Excellent. I think these principles probably summarize an approach to life that will lead to happiness and satisfaction.

However, I am not convinced that they are the best way. To limit oneself to one way of approaching philosophy is to risk not finding Truth.

Consider the example of the hot stove. Everybody agrees that one should not touch hot stoves. However, hot stoves are still occasionally touched. Think of me as a very young child. Merely telling me that touching the hot stove does not necessarily mean I will not do it. However, if you explain to me that stove touching will never get me anything I want and list all of the reasons why it doesn't, my natural curiosity will be less likely to lead me down a path toward certain pain.

I think religion is a more complex problem than stove touching. All people have learned that stove touching is a bad approach, but people disagree about larger and harder problems, such as this: "is there a God?" We cannot continue to ask other questions such as "what is the best philosophy?" until we have enough data to proceed.

I cannot ask you to prove to me that there is a God. Neither do I assume that there is not one. But I am terrified that if I proceed without knowing that I risk proceeding unwisely.

Help me to understand. What led you to the path of God?

Tim Farage said...

Well, I don't remember a time when I didn't believe in God, so I suppose you could say my parents led me to God.

Here's Einstein's view of religion and God:

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."

Elsewhere Einstein wrote, "It is enough for me to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe and try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."

One suggestion I have is to read the Gospel of Matthew. I think that if you do that, you will say to yourself, "Christ must be 'the guy'. I think I'd better listen to what he has to say.

Unknown said...

I read the passage. But I still don't see Christ as "the guy".

However, I was changed; I now feel that religion is a legitimate comment on the magnificent mystery that we call "Reality." Though not a complete one.

I don't think either of us want to argue about what belief system is the closest to explaining everything, but I will say this: Christianity and Bible-reading are not a perfect method for seeking truth.

Now, for something completely different:

Pursuant to your stated goal of helping to stimulate a "New Renaissance":

No, Aliens Have Not Been To Earth

We're still not sure about these facts, but our Milky Way Galaxy contains around a trillion stars, and there are estimated to be a trill...