In a previous post, "Government based upon Natural Law - (Part 3) - The Income Tax is Bad",
the many and various disadvantages to having an income tax were
discussed. In this post, fair, just, and efficient alternatives to the
income tax are given.
What kinds of taxes are just?
kinds of taxes are fair and just? Fair and just taxes are those that
pay for the use of a government-provided service; these are frequently
called "user fees".
Actually, many of our current taxes are
just. The gasoline tax is a good example. The government (federal,
state or local) builds and maintains the majority of the roads. It is
fair and just that those who use the roads the most should pay the most
for them. A semi-truck that travels 100,000 miles a year should
clearly pay more for the roads than Aunt Pearl who drives to church on
Sunday in her Ford Taurus. Since the amount of gasoline a vehicle uses
is proportional to the weight of that vehicle and the distance it
travels, gasoline taxes are a relatively fairer way to pay for the
roads, (although a road tax based upon the weight of the vehicle and the
miles driven would even be better).
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) provides another good example of a
just tax. The FAA exists mainly to monitor air traffic and ensure the
safety of aircraft. Clearly, the people who fly are the ones who should
pay for this. And this is currently the case, because each airline
ticket has attached a small federal tax on it to pay for the FAA.
about taxing human-caused pollution? By definition, human-caused
pollution consists of substances that harm either people or plants or
animals. Thus, it would be fair and just to tax a polluter in proportion
to the harm caused by the pollutant for which they are responsible.
This also results in the beneficial side effect of encouraging less
pollution, since creating less pollution means paying less pollution
tax. And it so happens that those who are rich usually pollute more for
the simple reason that they own more cars, homes, boats, jets, etc. Thus
a pollution tax would naturally cost more for those who can most afford
to pay it.
an aside, the EPA has recently defined carbon dioxide as a pollutant so
that they can regulate its emissions. This was a mistake, since carbon
dioxide is essential to life, and is not harmful to humans, plants, or
animals. On the contrary, plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and would
die without it, and we would shortly follow suit. Many think that it is
a major contributor to global warming, but that is not a reason to
label it pollutant. Having a CO2 tax will do nothing to prevent global
warming, but it will harm the poor here and abroad, because it will
increase the price of gasoline and electricity. (But this is the subject
for a another post).
Each of the taxes mentioned above, I believe, would fit the definition of fairness of any five-year-old.
Reasons for Having a Natural-Resource Tax
However, there are some legitimate and constitutional functions of the government for
which it is more difficult to assess how we can be fairly taxed to pay
for them. The military, foreign affairs, FBI, police, and fire
departments fit into this category. How can we fairly pay for them?
One way to think about this is to ask, "Who gets more protection from
the military or the police or fire departments, Bill Gates or Aunt
Pearl?" While Aunt Pearl only has, say, a small apartment that benefits
from military or police protection, Bill Gates gets quite a bit more
protection because he owns many vehicles, buildings, and acres of land.
And he would suffer much more loss if we were to be successfully
invaded by a foreign power. The general principle is that those
individuals or companies that own the most land or other natural
resources should pay the most for these kinds of government services.
Thus, a natural-resource tax (NRT) would be a fair and just tax to be
placed upon us. Such natural resources include land, as well as coal,
oil, aluminum and other minerals, etc.
principle concerning natural resources is that they are a product of
nature (i.e. our Creator and His Helpers) and thus are not produced by
man. Therefore, the only just way to deal with natural resources is to
treat them as the property of the people as a whole. So, if government
wishes to sell or lease land or sell the rights to a company so that it
can extract a natural resource, it is appropriate to tax that resource
as compensation to the people for allowing the use or extraction of that
resource from the commonwealth.
For example, in Alaska, private companies are permitted to extract oil
from the ground. To compensate the people of Alaska for this, Alaska
taxes each barrel of oil removed, and that money goes into Alaska's
Permanent-Fund Dividend. These funds are paid to the residents of
Alaska each year. In 2008, the dividend was over $1,000 per person.
For consumable natural resources, the fairest way to apply the NRT is to
tax it once—paid for by the company that extracts the resource. Thus,
you would not pay a NRT on the aluminum can of Diet Coke you
bought. But the company that extracted bauxite (an aluminum ore) would
pay a tax to the federal government on each ton of aluminum it
extracted. Of course, the cost of this tax would be passed onto the
ultimate consumer, so in this sense those who use the most natural
resources are those that pay for them.
the case of land, only the land owner would be taxed, as a monthly
land-tax fee. Note that there would be no NRT on the home or
buildings on this land, because the NRT would have been paid previously
by the companies that extracted the resources needed to build these
legitimacy of this tax is based on the fact that no one has created the
land. Thus, if a person or company 'owns' land, they have the right to
control who is allowed on it. Therefore, they should pay for this right
as a land-tax, which is one part of the NRT.
Why the Natural-Resource Tax is Efficient
the practical side, all local governments and some state governments
have already established such taxes, usually called property taxes.
Thus, it would be fairly easy to have such a federal
property/natural-resource tax as a replacement for the income tax (and
Social Security/Medicare taxes, as well). Ownership of property and
natural resources such as land, oil wells, coal mines, etc. are already
publicly recorded, so there would be no additional intrusion into our
lives as a result of this tax. It would take no tax attorneys,
accountants, tax software, or tax forms to do our taxes. Individuals
that own land and companies that own land or extracts natural resources
would be taxed regularly, preferably monthly. Furthermore, property
valuations that have already been done at the state or local level could
be used at the federal level, thus avoiding another bureaucracy.
Other Benefits to having a Natural-Resource Tax
are many other benefits to a natural-resource tax. For instance, today
some of those who are wealthy can often live off tax-sheltered
investments and pay virtually no tax. With an NRT, those who are
well-to-do would naturally pay more taxes than those who are not,
because they would use more natural resources. Own five homes? No
problem, but you'll be paying taxes on each lot that the homes are built
upon, and would be indirectly paying for the natural resources used to
build the homes.
is important to reiterate that home owners (as well as owners of other
buildings) would pay an NRT only on the land that their home sits upon
and not upon the building itself. Thus, in a given subdivision, all
lots that are substantially the same would have the same taxable value
and the tax assessors would not have to be concerned with the value of
the home itself. This would encourage people to build and maintain nice
homes, since they don't have to worry about their taxes going up
because of improvements they make.
Also, it would be fair to tax farm land, residential lots, and commercial lots at different rates, given their various uses.
Life would be easier on farmers as well. They would only be taxed on
their land and not on their profit. Thus they would be encouraged to
make the best use of the land they have. There would be no incentive to
not grow crops as there is now in some cases.
Because people naturally want to minimize their taxes, a wonderful side
effect of an NRT is that if people want to save on taxes, they only need
to consume fewer natural resources. This then encourages the use of
more energy-efficient cars, homes, and buildings, and encourages
recycling as well.
The Natural-Resource Tax Dividend
finally, but importantly, just as with Alaska's Permanent-Fund Dividend
that is given to the people of Alaska from oil companies, the federal
government could give all citizens and legal residents an NRT Dividend
to compensate them for others' use of natural resources. This would be a
fair and just thing to do, and it would be an equitable way to assist
the poor (and everyone else). If done right, this NRT Dividend could
replace all subsidies that the government gives out (except for the
Health-Care Subsidy and Education Subsidy to be discussed in other
posts), saving the taxpayer money from the reduced bureaucracy of
administering hundreds of different subsidies. The amount of this
subsidy can be debated, but I'd like for it to be around $1000 per month
per adult citizen or permanent resident of the U.S., adjusted each year
for inflation. We could encourage the more prosperous among us to
refuse this subsidy, which would help keep the price down. (In order to keep the budget balanced, this amount of this natural resources dividend could be defined as 10% of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP).
Another Benefit of the Natural-Resource Tax Dividend
time goes on, fewer and fewer low-skilled workers will be needed due to
automation. The NRT Dividend will assist those by providing a base
income to all. And no matter how much extra money they earn, this
Dividend will never be taken away.
summary, let's replace the income tax and FICA taxes with user
fees, taxes on pollution, and a natural-resource tax. It is the fair
and just thing to do, and will create a cleaner environment and a more
prosperous nation.
Farage is a Senior Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at The
University of Texas at Dallas. The opinions expressed herein are those
of the author. You are welcome to comment upon this blog entry and/or to
contact him at
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Government Based Upon Natural Law - (Part 3) - The Income Tax is Bad Idea
Unintended Consequences of the Income Tax
Ever since the IRS was established, people have complained about its abuses. Many bills have been passed in Congress in the hope they will correct some of these abuses. Unfortunately, any fix is doomed to fail.
It is not the IRS but Congress that has established a tax on income. (At least they even did it the right way – we passed a Constitutional Amendment that allowed Congress to tax income. Sadly, this was the one of the worst amendments ever passed). It was Congress that has modified a tax code that initially levied a 1% tax on those with above-average income to a tax code that is over a million words in length and that literally no one understands. The IRS is authorized by Congress to enforce this code and to collect such taxes. Since some people will try to hide income in order to avoid paying income tax, the IRS naturally tries to find these people. Is it a surprise that the IRS has a computer database that stores information about us? Or that they can use this database to check to see if someone's purchases correspond to his or her reported income? Or that they monitor cash deposits over $10,000? Most of us don't like this, and we shouldn't. But it's not the fault of the IRS. The problem is the income tax itself.
Taxing income is bad for a large variety of reasons. It has been estimated that it costs the American people between $200 - $600 billion dollars each year for the tax attorneys, accountants, record keeping, books, software, etc., just to comply with the tax code and minimize their taxes. This does not include the millions of hours we waste each year in tax related activities.
The income tax is arbitrary and frequently counterproductive as far as what deductions are allowed. For instance, you can deduct day care expenses from your income tax, but if a mother chooses to not work outside the home, no deduction is available. Congress uses deductions as a way to encumber us to them and they are loathe to make major changes. There are so many deductions we think we depend on, that we'll vote for whoever will maintain or increase them. Woe is he who runs for office and who wants to eliminate popular deductions. Furthermore, many prosperous individuals pay very little income taxes.
Another issue is that having to report income to the government is an invasion of privacy. Should it really be the government's business how much money we earn, where we earn it, or how far we drive while earning it?
Because of the complexity of the tax code, taxpayers must concern themselves with taxable events, such as selling stock or property. The economy is distorted and less efficient when we make decisions based upon whether or not a taxable event will occur rather than what we think would be a good use for our money.
Income tax law is even at fault for abridging freedom of speech. How can that be? Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code grants certain not-for-profit organizations, including churches, a status that allows them not to pay income tax. However, it also prohibits such organizations from making political endorsements, and it stipulates that nonprofits should spend no substantial part of their activities in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. Such organizations may not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The IRS has investigated and is still investing churches who they think might be violating 501(c)(3) code. This is frightening to those of us who believe in free speech. The point here is that if there was no income tax, there would be no such IRS code controlling the free speech of non-profit organizations.
Unjustness of the Income Tax
But the biggest reason against a tax on income is that it is unjust.
An income tax is unjust because it has nothing to do with fees charged for services provided by the government. What government service does a person use just because he or she is earning money? To clarify this point, imagine two people who have the same job and earn the same salary during the day. At night, one of them watches TV and the other does marriage counseling out of his home. Is there any rational reason that the second person should pay more taxes that the first? No, because the counselor is certainly not benefiting any more than the TV watcher from government services. Taxing the counselor more than the TV watcher is tantamount to discouraging him or her from counseling. As a matter of fact, the income tax is unjust for the same reasons that the tax on polluters is just. We should tax polluters because of the harm they cause; and this tax discourages them from polluting. We should not tax people for working, since people who work are clearly benefiting our country. Taxing their productivity is precisely the wrong thing to do for such taxes discourage work!
So let's replace the income tax (and FICA taxes, too). No more tax on wages and salary, no more wasting time, money and human intelligence trying to minimize or avoid paying income taxes and complying with an impossible-to-understand tax code. No more intrusion into our personal lives. No more taxing productivity. No more tax forms to fill out or tax audits to go to.
Of course, the government has many legitimate needs, and there will have to be some kinds of taxes to pay for them. What taxes are fair and just?
You can find out in my next blog entry, "Government based upon Natural Law - (Part 4) -The Natural Resource Tax".
Tim Farage is a Senior Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at The University of Texas at Dallas. The views expressed here are those of the author. You are welcome to comment upon this blog entry and/or to contact him at
Ever since the IRS was established, people have complained about its abuses. Many bills have been passed in Congress in the hope they will correct some of these abuses. Unfortunately, any fix is doomed to fail.
It is not the IRS but Congress that has established a tax on income. (At least they even did it the right way – we passed a Constitutional Amendment that allowed Congress to tax income. Sadly, this was the one of the worst amendments ever passed). It was Congress that has modified a tax code that initially levied a 1% tax on those with above-average income to a tax code that is over a million words in length and that literally no one understands. The IRS is authorized by Congress to enforce this code and to collect such taxes. Since some people will try to hide income in order to avoid paying income tax, the IRS naturally tries to find these people. Is it a surprise that the IRS has a computer database that stores information about us? Or that they can use this database to check to see if someone's purchases correspond to his or her reported income? Or that they monitor cash deposits over $10,000? Most of us don't like this, and we shouldn't. But it's not the fault of the IRS. The problem is the income tax itself.
Taxing income is bad for a large variety of reasons. It has been estimated that it costs the American people between $200 - $600 billion dollars each year for the tax attorneys, accountants, record keeping, books, software, etc., just to comply with the tax code and minimize their taxes. This does not include the millions of hours we waste each year in tax related activities.
The income tax is arbitrary and frequently counterproductive as far as what deductions are allowed. For instance, you can deduct day care expenses from your income tax, but if a mother chooses to not work outside the home, no deduction is available. Congress uses deductions as a way to encumber us to them and they are loathe to make major changes. There are so many deductions we think we depend on, that we'll vote for whoever will maintain or increase them. Woe is he who runs for office and who wants to eliminate popular deductions. Furthermore, many prosperous individuals pay very little income taxes.
Another issue is that having to report income to the government is an invasion of privacy. Should it really be the government's business how much money we earn, where we earn it, or how far we drive while earning it?
Because of the complexity of the tax code, taxpayers must concern themselves with taxable events, such as selling stock or property. The economy is distorted and less efficient when we make decisions based upon whether or not a taxable event will occur rather than what we think would be a good use for our money.
Income tax law is even at fault for abridging freedom of speech. How can that be? Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code grants certain not-for-profit organizations, including churches, a status that allows them not to pay income tax. However, it also prohibits such organizations from making political endorsements, and it stipulates that nonprofits should spend no substantial part of their activities in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. Such organizations may not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. The IRS has investigated and is still investing churches who they think might be violating 501(c)(3) code. This is frightening to those of us who believe in free speech. The point here is that if there was no income tax, there would be no such IRS code controlling the free speech of non-profit organizations.
Unjustness of the Income Tax
But the biggest reason against a tax on income is that it is unjust.
An income tax is unjust because it has nothing to do with fees charged for services provided by the government. What government service does a person use just because he or she is earning money? To clarify this point, imagine two people who have the same job and earn the same salary during the day. At night, one of them watches TV and the other does marriage counseling out of his home. Is there any rational reason that the second person should pay more taxes that the first? No, because the counselor is certainly not benefiting any more than the TV watcher from government services. Taxing the counselor more than the TV watcher is tantamount to discouraging him or her from counseling. As a matter of fact, the income tax is unjust for the same reasons that the tax on polluters is just. We should tax polluters because of the harm they cause; and this tax discourages them from polluting. We should not tax people for working, since people who work are clearly benefiting our country. Taxing their productivity is precisely the wrong thing to do for such taxes discourage work!
So let's replace the income tax (and FICA taxes, too). No more tax on wages and salary, no more wasting time, money and human intelligence trying to minimize or avoid paying income taxes and complying with an impossible-to-understand tax code. No more intrusion into our personal lives. No more taxing productivity. No more tax forms to fill out or tax audits to go to.
Of course, the government has many legitimate needs, and there will have to be some kinds of taxes to pay for them. What taxes are fair and just?
You can find out in my next blog entry, "Government based upon Natural Law - (Part 4) -The Natural Resource Tax".
Tim Farage is a Senior Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at The University of Texas at Dallas. The views expressed here are those of the author. You are welcome to comment upon this blog entry and/or to contact him at
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